Elijah Price Mr Glass

In the world of superhero films, few characters resonate as profoundly as Elijah Price, also known as Mr. Glass. His character, portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson in M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable (2000) and later in Split (2016) and Glass (2019), provides a unique contrast to traditional villains. Elijah Price stands apart not only because of his intellectual prowess but also because of the depth of his condition and his unwavering belief in the existence of superheroes.

Elijah Price’s story, however, is not a typical one of a villain plotting the downfall of heroes. Instead, it is a tale of obsession, identity, and the search for meaning. Born with a rare condition known as osteogenesis imperfecta, or “brittle bone disease,” Elijah Price lived most of his life in a fragile state. Yet, this very fragility would shape his worldview in ways that no one, including himself, could anticipate.

The Origins of Mr. Glass

Elijah Price’s origins begin in a hospital, where he is born with a rare and debilitating disease. Osteogenesis imperfecta causes bones to break easily, leading to a lifetime of pain and fragility. Throughout his childhood, he was treated as fragile, often being kept in a protective bubble by his mother. This constant care and consideration for his well-being made him acutely aware of his limitations. Unlike others, Elijah could not live the life of a typical child; he was confined to a wheelchair, his movements restricted by his bones’ brittleness.

From an early age, Elijah Price developed a fascination with comics, which would ultimately fuel his identity as Mr. Glass. Comics and superhero stories portrayed individuals with extraordinary abilities, but unlike the everyday people around him, Elijah believed that superheroes were more than just fictional characters—they were real, waiting to emerge into the world. His belief that real-life superheroes existed was rooted in a profound sense of difference and inadequacy. He felt that he, too, could be extraordinary if only the right circumstances and people appeared.

Elijah’s Obsession with Superheroes

As Elijah grew older, his obsession with superheroes deepened. He didn’t just collect comic books—he studied them. Each comic book wasn’t just a story; it was a blueprint for understanding the world and his place within it. In his mind, the traditional roles of heroes and villains were clearer than the real world ever made them out to be. He was convinced that superheroes must exist in reality, and his obsession led him to search for one.

The key moment in Elijah’s life came when he encountered David Dunn (played by Bruce Willis) on a train. David, who would later become the hero known as “The Overseer,” was unscathed after a horrific accident that killed everyone else on the train. Elijah’s mind immediately raced. This was his superhero. David Dunn, in Elijah’s eyes, was invulnerable—a man who was “unbreakable.”

The tragic irony of Elijah’s condition was that while he was physically fragile and broken, he believed that the world contained individuals like David who were unbreakable—extraordinary in every way. He saw David’s invulnerability as evidence of his own theory: superheroes existed, and their powers would be revealed through struggle and discovery.

The Character of Mr. Glass

Mr. Glass’s name is an ironic play on his condition—his bones, though fragile, were not the only brittle thing about him. The real fragility lay in his psyche, in his obsessive need to create the world he envisioned. As a villain, Elijah was not driven by a need for power or wealth; he sought recognition for his ideas. He wanted to prove to the world that superheroes were real, but more than that, he wanted to prove that he was the architect of their existence. His actions, though criminal and morally corrupt, were driven by a twisted form of logic.

Elijah’s plan to bring David Dunn to the forefront was calculated and deliberate. He orchestrated tragedies, manipulating events and people in the background to test the limits of his hypothesis. The world was full of people with extraordinary abilities, but they were hidden, locked away in the form of ordinary people. Elijah believed that he had to bring out the extraordinary, no matter the cost. In his eyes, his actions were justified by the ultimate goal of unlocking the secrets of the human race and its potential.

The Duality of Elijah Price

One of the most fascinating aspects of Elijah Price as Mr. Glass is the duality of his character. On one hand, he is a victim of his disease, someone who has suffered his entire life, confined to a wheelchair and relegated to the shadows of society. On the other hand, he is a genius, a mastermind who believes he has cracked the code of existence. This duality makes him a tragic figure, one who is both pitied and feared.

Elijah’s relationship with his mother further adds to this complexity. She is both a source of comfort and constraint in his life, providing him with the care and support that he desperately needs but also reinforcing his feelings of fragility and weakness. Elijah’s desire to break free from the constraints of his body and find his purpose in the world can be seen as a response to the overprotective nature of his upbringing. He resents his limitations, but at the same time, they drive him to push forward in the search for meaning.

Elijah’s Philosophy of Villainy

Unlike traditional villains who seek revenge or power, Elijah’s villainy is rooted in his philosophy of purpose. He is not evil for the sake of being evil; instead, he sees his actions as a necessary evil to reveal the truth about human potential. His obsession with finding and exposing superheroes is what ultimately drives his villainous behavior. He doesn’t care about personal gain; instead, he wants to create a legacy. His villainy is a consequence of his belief in the need for change in the world—a change that only he can initiate.

This philosophy is most evident in Glass, where Elijah’s grand design to bring out other “unbreakable” people plays out on a global stage. In his mind, he is doing the world a favor. By exposing the existence of people with extraordinary abilities, he believes he will force society to acknowledge the truth and create a new world order. It’s a dangerous path, but to Elijah, it is the only path to revealing the potential of humankind.

The Tragic End of Mr. Glass

Elijah Price’s story, like the most complex villains, ends tragically. In the final confrontation of Glass, Elijah’s grand plan is revealed to the world, but it comes at a great cost. While his actions are meant to shed light on the existence of superheroes, the revelation does not bring the widespread acclaim he desired. Instead, it leads to his downfall.

As Elijah dies, it becomes clear that his obsession, his relentless pursuit of a grand purpose, ultimately led to his demise. His inability to accept his fragility and embrace his limitations resulted in his downfall, making him a tragic figure in the eyes of the audience. He had spent his life searching for something greater than himself, only to find that the world was unwilling to accept his vision. His death marks the end of his quest, but it also highlights the futility of his journey.

Elijah Price’s Legacy

While Elijah Price’s journey ends in tragedy, his legacy as Mr. Glass is enduring. He remains one of the most complex characters in superhero cinema, a figure whose motivations, actions, and beliefs are simultaneously sympathetic and horrifying. His story is one of obsession, a man who was so consumed by his desire to see the world in a new light that he would sacrifice anything to make it a reality.

Even though Elijah is often viewed as the antagonist, he challenges the audience to question the nature of heroism, villainy, and identity. His character asks us to look beyond the surface and explore the deeper motivations of those we may consider villains. Through Elijah Price, we are reminded that sometimes, the most dangerous individuals are not those with the most power, but those who believe they are on a higher moral plane, driven by an unwavering conviction.

Elijah Price, as Mr. Glass, is a character unlike any other. His journey is one of intellectual brilliance and tragic obsession, one that challenges the boundaries of heroism and villainy. Through his character, we are reminded that even the most seemingly fragile individuals may harbor the greatest of intentions and that their pursuit of a higher purpose can lead them down a path from which there is no return. Mr. Glass remains a compelling and haunting figure in the world of cinema, reminding us that the line between hero and villain is often not as clear as it seems.

Key Characteristics of Elijah Price (Mr. Glass)

NameElijah Price (Mr. Glass)
ConditionOsteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease)
PhilosophyBelief in the existence of superheroes and the need to reveal them to the world
AbilitiesHigh intellectual capacity, vast knowledge of comics and human potential
MotivationsTo reveal the truth about superheroes and their hidden existence
Moral AlignmentComplex, neither purely good nor evil
FateDies at the hands of his own plan, but leaves a lasting impact on the superhero world

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